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  • Trailer camps, mobile home parks, and mobile home subdivisions may be established as follows.
    (A) Trailer camps. A trailer camp may be established in any primary zoning district wherein the use is expressly permitted as a conditional use in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, subject to all requirements for conditional use permits. A mobile home or house trailer may be accommodated for temporary and transient location and occupancy within the authorized trailer camp, and the location and occupancy shall not be deemed to constitute a residential use for purposes of the Zoning Ordinance, nor to constitute the erection or occupancy of a building for purposes of the Building Code. Any improvement location permit, certificate of occupancy, and building permit properly issued for the trailer camp itself shall be deemed to cover any mobile home or house trailer properly harbored therein for purposes of temporary and transient location and occupancy.
    (B) Mobile home parks.
    (1) A mobile home park shall be considered a single-family residential use and may only be established as follows:
    (a) If the proposed mobile home park is eligible for licensing, and has had its preliminary plans and specifications submitted to and approved by the State Board of Health in accordance with I.C. 16-41-27 et seq.;
    (b) Is located in a primary zoning district wherein single-family residential use is permitted or is permitted as a conditional use in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, and all mobile home sites therein strictly comply with all requirements and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance as to single-family dwellings, including lot and yard specifications;
    (c) Is located in a primary zoning district other than an “A” District, and a variance is applied for and obtained in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance to permit the use in the other district or to exempt the use from requirements otherwise applicable to the location of single-family dwellings as to minimum lot width, minimum lot area, maximum lot coverage, minimum yards, minimum ground floor area, and the like; or
    (d) Is established in any primary zoning district in accordance with a properly submitted and approved residential unit development plan as provided in the Zoning Ordinance.
    (2) No improvement location permit may be issued for a mobile home park until division (B)(1)(a) and either divisions (B)(1)(b), (B)(1)(c), or (B)(1)(d) above have been complied with, and no final certificate of occupancy may be granted until the mobile home park’s license has been issued by the State Board of Health. A mobile home may be located and occupied as a residence within a properly established mobile home park. A house trailer may be so located and occupied only if and to the extent that the mobile home park’s State Board of Health license permits it to accept and harbor dependent or partially dependent mobile homes. The improvement location permit and certificate of occupancy issued for mobile home park itself shall be deemed to cover all mobile homes and house trailers properly located therein. A separate building permit shall not generally be required for the mobile homes or house trailers, which shall be presumed to comply with the applicable Building Code and regulations, unless the Building Inspector has cause to believe that there exists in a particular unit some noncomplying condition posing an actual and present hazard to its occupants or others. In the latter case, the Building Inspector may require an inspection or require that an individual building permit be obtained to permit the continued location and/or occupancy of the affected unit.
    (C) Mobile home subdivisions.
    (1) A mobile home subdivision shall be considered a single-family residential use, and may only be established as follows:
    (a) In full compliance with the subdivision control regulations of the city as the same pertain to other subdivisions of land for single-family residential development;
    (b) In accordance with the provisions of divisions (B)(1)(b), (B)(1)(c), or (B)(1)(d) above in the same manner as those provisions pertain to mobile home parks;
    (c) In accordance with all state or city ordinances, laws, or regulations as they pertain to mandatory sewer connections to individual dwelling units or other utility services; and
    (d) If each lot in the subdivision is or will be supplied with a permanent foundation of a type approved by the City Plan Commission and the Building Inspector, upon which each mobile home unit must be erected and securely attached in the same manner as a fixed building.
    (2) A mobile home may be located and occupied as a residence in an authorized mobile home subdivision; however, house trailers may not be so located and occupied. Individual improvement location permits and certificates of occupancy shall be required for each mobile home unit in a mobile home subdivision. An individual building permit shall also be required unless the mobile home unit is factory-constructed and bears a seal certifying that it was built in compliance with the Federal Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. §§ 5401 et seq.) in accordance with I.C. 36-7-4-1106(1), as provided by I.C. 22-1-1-10(c), and has not since been substantially redesigned, reconstructed, or structurally modified.
    (1985 Code, § 8-8-3) (Ord. 11A-1984, passed - -1984)