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  • Whereas, certain cities and counties situated in Region 12 established by Executive Order 16-68, Governor of Indiana, have indicated their willingness to enter into an agreement and form an organization to be known and designated as the Twelfth Regional Development Commission; and it is desirable, advantageous, and in the public interest that the City Council, enter into such an agreement; and the signing of this agreement by the City Council President shall enable the legal establishment of a representative constitution of the Commission’s policy body, such that, a perfected agreement can be discussed and developed, during the three months after 7-10-1973, at which time the agreement will be reconsidered by the legislative body and moved to adoption by ordinance; the President of the City Council is hereby authorized and directed to execute the agreement.
    (1985 Code, § 8-12-2) (Res. passed 7-10-1973; Ord. 11-1984, passed - -1984)