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  • (A) The construction of all streets, roadways, the installation of sanitary sewers, including necessary appurtenances, and the installation of water lines in any subdivision shall be the responsibility of the sponsor.
    (B) The requirements for the public improvements and utility systems are as follows.
    (1) Streets, curbs and gutters. No street or public thoroughfare shall be established to a width of less than 50 feet. The extension of a street presently established to a width of more than 50 feet shall be established to a width of not less than the width of the existing street. Construction of streets and roadways shall include all necessary excavating and filling required to place the surface to the proper sub-grade elevation for the placement of the required depth of paving material. Construction shall also include the building of concrete combined curbs and gutters on each side of the paved portion of the street or roadway. The width of paving on streets 50 feet in width shall be 35 feet from the back of one curb to the opposite curb. The width of paving for streets 60 feet in width shall be 40 feet from the back of one curb to the back of the opposite curb. For streets of other widths, the paving portion shall be determined by the City Council. The pavement shall consist of a sub-base of crushed stone placed to a compacted thickness of not less than four inches on a well prepared and substantial sub-grade, over which is to be placed prepared processed gravel to a compacted depth of not less than four inches. The wearing surface, consisting of bituminous concrete or concrete, shall be placed to a compacted thickness of not less than two inches.
    (2) Sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances. Sanitary sewer lines shall be laid to a grade level as set by the engineer employed by the city. Sewer lines shall consist of vitrified clay pipe of a quality and size directed by the city and shall be laid in a manner satisfactory to the City Council. All manholes, house service lines, and other appurtenances shall be installed as directed by the city.
    (3) Water and gas lines. All water lines shall be of cast iron, the mains being not less than six inches in diameter and placed to a depth of not less than four feet below the surface. The location of the lines, the manner and method of laying the lines and all matters in connection of the installation of the water lines shall be subject to the approval of the City Council. In the event that gas lines are to be installed, the location and manner of installation of the lines is subject to the approval of the City Council.
    (1985 Code, § 8-7-5) (Ord. 1965-1, passed 5-9-1967)