§ 155.052. REQUIREMENTS.  

Latest version.
  • The requirements hereof shall be in addition to any applicable regulations found elsewhere within this code.
    (A) The conditional uses within the “WP” Well Field Protection Overlay District shall be those of the underlying zoning district except as specified.
    (B) When listed as a permitted or conditional use within the underlying zoning district the excavation, extraction, mining, or processing of sand, gravel, and minerals from the earth for resale shall remain as conditional uses in the “WP” Well Field Protection Overlay District subject to approval of the excavation and facilities plan that includes, but is not limited to:
    (1) An existing site plan with topographic detail at two-foot contour intervals, all planimetric information, depth to groundwater, and flood plain characteristics where applicable;
    (2) The proposed extent and depth of excavations;
    (3) Slope angle of excavation walls (any final slopes shall be at the angle of repose for the remaining material);
    (4) Use and disposition of the spoil and/or overburden materials from the excavations including a landscaping and vegetation plan to stabilize any disturbed material;
    (5) Surface drainage plan:
    (a) Drainage into on-site excavations from proximate off-site transportation facilities such as roadways and roadbeds and off-site watercourses is prohibited unless the applicant provides a plan which otherwise protects the excavations from off-site waterborne regulated substances; and
    (b) The final on-site grading shall minimize all surface drainage into the excavations.
    (6) A post-excavation and operation land use plan; and
    (7) A security plan (unauthorized access shall be strictly prohibited as long as any excavations remain on site).
    (1985 Code, § 8-3-6C.) (Ord. 1996-5, passed - -1996)