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  • Note: Appendix B is available in PDF format for ease of display and printing:
    Table 2: Lot and Yard Requirements (1)
    Min. Lot Area (square feet)
    Min. Lot Width (feet)
    Min. Front Yard (feet)
    Min. Side Yard (feet)
    Min. Rear Yard (3)
    Single- or two-family dwelling
    “R-A” or “LB”
    6,000 (2,4)
    25 for “R-A” and 50 for “LB” (5,7)
    15% of lot depth; min. 15 feet (6)
    Apartment house
    “R-A” or “LB”
    3,000 per family
    25 for “R-A” and 50 for “LB” (5,7)
    20% of lot depth; min. 20 feet (6)
    Group house
    “R-A” or “LB”
    3,000 per family
    25 for “R-A” and 50 for “LB” (5,7)
    15% of lot depth; min. 15 feet (6)
    Local business:
    “LB” or “I”
    (None specified)
    (None specified)
    50 for “LB” and 15 for “I” (7)
    In an “LB” District, along the side street line of a corner lot adjoining an “R-A” District or where an “LB” District adjoins an “R-A” District in the same block, minimum side yard is 5 feet. Otherwise, a side yard is not required, but, if provided, it must be at least 4 feet
    10% of lot depth
    -Automobile service
    -Business service
    -Clothing service
    -Community recreation
    -Equipment service
    -Food service
    -Retail generally
    General business
    (None specified)
    (None specified)
    15 (7)
    None required, but at least 4 feet if provided
    10% of lot depth
    Light Industrial or industrial
    (None specified)
    (None specified)
    None required, but at least 4 feet if provided
    15% of lot depth; max. requirement of 10 feet
    Other principal buildings
    (None specified)
    (None specified)
    25 (7)
    15% of lot depth; min. 15 feet
    Other principal buildings
    “LB” or “I”
    (None specified)
    (None specified)
    50 for “LB” and 15 for “I” (7)
    Same as for local business above
    10% of lot depth
    Accessory buildings
    “A” or “LB”
    Not applicable
    (None specified)
    None specified for “A”; 50 for “LB”
    3 (8)
    3 (8)
    (1) - After 3-25-1957, all buildings must be erected on a lot which fronts on a street.
    (2) - In the case of a single-family dwelling, the minimum lot area requirement does not apply if the lot was in single ownership or included in a subdivision recorded in the office of the County Recorder, on or before 3-25-1957.
    (3) - One-half of an alley abutting the rear lot may be considered in meeting the rear yard requirements.
    (4) - If a guest house with cooking facilities is included as an accessory building appurtenant to a single-family dwelling, the minimum lot area is 12,000 square feet.
    (5) - Front yard/setback lines established in a recorded subdivision plat apply if requiring a larger front yard.
    (6) - On through lots, a front yard is required on both streets.
    (7) - In an “R-A” or “LB” District, where 25% or more of the lots in a block are occupied by buildings, the average setback of the buildings determines the dimension of the front yard in the block, but the maximum front yard need not exceed 40 feet in the “R-A” District; or 15 feet in the “LB” District.
    (8) - Indicates minimum permissible distance of accessory building from respective front, side, or rear lot line on a normal lot. Where a reversed interior lot abuts a corner lot, or on an alley separating the lots, any accessory building located on the rear lot line of a corner lot shall set back from the side street as far as the dwelling on the reversed interior lot; for each foot that the accessory building is placed from the rear line toward the front line of the corner lot, the accessory building may be set 4 inches closer to the side street line, but in no case closer than 5 feet.
    (1985 Code, § 8-3-2) (Ord. passed 3-25-1957; Ord. 4-1984, passed 2-14-1984; Ord. 2002-5, passed 10-22-2002) Penalty, see § 10.99