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  • Note: Appendix C is available in PDF format for ease of display and printing:
    Table 3: Building Height, Lot Coverage, Floor Area, and Vision Clearance
    Building Type
    Max. Height
    Min. Height
    Max. Lot Coverage
    Min. Ground Floor Area
    Vision Clearance*
    Single-family dwelling
    “A” or “LB”
    35 feet or 2–1/2 stories (1)
    (None specified)
    40% on corner lot; 35% on interior lot
    672 square feet
    8 feet
    Two-family dwelling
    “A” or “LB”
    35 feet or 2–1/2 stories (1)
    (None specified)
    40% on corner lot; 35% on interior lot
    Double = 900 square feet; Duplex = 672 square feet
    8 feet
    Group house
    “A” or “LB”
    35 feet
    (None specified)
    50% on corner lot; 40% on interior lot
    450 square feet per ground floor family
    8 feet
    Apartment house
    “A” or “LB”
    (None specified)
    (None specified)
    60% on corner lot; 50% on interior lot
    1,200 square feet
    8 feet
    Accessory building
    “A” or “LB”
    18 feet or 1–1/2 stories (2)
    (None specified)
    (None specified)
    (None specified)
    8 feet
    Local business
    “LB” or “I”
    45 feet (3)
    (None specified)
    90% (4)
    (None specified)
    8 feet
    Other principal buildings
    35 feet or 2–1/2 stories
    (None specified)
    (None specified) (4)
    (None specified)
    8 feet
    Other principal buildings
    45 feet
    (None specified)
    (None specified) (4)
    (None specified)
    8 feet
    Other principal buildings
    60 feet
    (None specified)
    (None specified) (4)
    (None specified)
    8 feet
    * - Applies only to corner lots. Clearance is minimum distance from building to intersection of property lines at corner.
    (1) - Height of principal building may be increased above 35 feet, but not higher than 45 feet or three stories, if 2 side yards of 15 feet each are provided.
    (2) - The height of accessory buildings may be increased to 25 feet or 2 stories, provided the minimum required 3-foot distance from side and rear lot lines is increased one foot for each 2 feet above the normal maximum height permitted.
    (3) - Buildings may be erected higher than the normal maximum if they are set back, from front and rear property lines, one foot for each two feet of additional height above the normal maximum height in the “LB” or “I” District, and one foot for each foot of additional height in the “A” District. Chimneys, cooling towers, elevator bulkheads, fire towers, penthouses, tanks, water towers, transmission towers, or essential mechanical appurtenances may be erected to any height not prohibited by other laws or ordinances.
    (4) - Subject to minimum yard requirements where yards are required.
    (1985 Code, § 8-3-3) (Ord. passed 3-25-1957; Ord. 4-1984, passed 2-14-1984) Penalty, see § 10.99